Ken Coles, Farming Smarter's Executive Director, returned from his journey across the world to agricultural research facilities with an experience and education much different than he expected; and a reignited, fiery passion to advocate for improved support across Alberta's agriculture industry.
Evaluating the efficacy of fall and spring fungicide application on stripe rust as well as leaf spot severity, and the impact on yield and quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Evaluating the difference in effect between once-in-three-year deep-banding and annual shallow-banding of potassium, phosphorus, and copper for crop growth and soil nutrients.
Two experiments were conducted to measure the responses of winter wheat to enhanced efficiency N fertilizers and timing/placements across the Canadian Prairies.
- April 7, 2021
Hailstorms can be responsible for significant economic loss to the agricultural sector in Alberta, Canada. Foliar applications of certain fungicides and nutrient blends have been advocated to promote recovery and yield of hail-damaged...
- February 11, 2022
Precision planters are recently being adopted for seeding canola to improve crop establishment and seed yield. This study determined the effect of seeding canola using precision planters...
- October 2018
Leaf spotting diseases commonly occur on spring wheat crops grown in Saskatchewan, causing yield losses of up to 15%, although greater losses have been documented during severe epidemics.
- December 21, 2018
In response to concerns about acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitor--resistant weeds in wheat production systems, we explored the efficacy of managing Bromus spp., downy and Japanese bromes, in a winter wheat system...
- July 01, 2016
Poor stand establishment resulting in lower yield is a major constraint to expanding winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) land area across the semiarid temperate regions of the northern Great Plains.
- May 01, 2016
Poor stand establishment resulting in lower yield is a major constraint to expanding winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) across western Canada. We conducted a study totaling 26 site-years over three growing seasons
Crop losses from hail damage vary with intensity, timing and spatially. Producers have few options available after hail damage other than reseeding, silaging/greenfeeding or waiting to harvest what remains.
Crop losses from hail damage vary with intensity, timing and spatially. Producers have few options available after hail damage other than reseeding, silaging/greenfeeding or waiting to harvest what remains.