Farming Smarter updated its Strategic Plan over the winter to adjust to some of the major changes brought on in 2020. While the pandemic presented its share of challenges, the Alberta Agriculture & Forestry changes had a much greater impact on our organization and work.
There's no way to sugar coat the fact that we saw a huge reduction in people working in agriculture research and extension at the provincial level. There are some people we're going to miss a lot.
The changes also mean our funding sources are different and, even now, not completely transitioned to the new way of doing things. These changes accentuate the need for our organization to build our own safety net to weather unexpected disruptions. Below you can download the complete strategic plan or read the 1-page synopsis.
Farming Smarter grows each year as we address the needs of Alberta farmers in terms of practical research and easy ways to access information. Our Agronomy Smarts subscription offers substantial learning and relevant discounts to our community. We believe we provide a vital resource and want to preserve our ability to deliver.