The Hail Damage Simulation project results are published! Read it in the Canadian Journal of Plant Science!
Our very own Gurbir Dhillon, Mike Gretzinger, Lewis Baarda, and Ken Coles were all major players in this study, alongside some folks at InnoTech Alberta and SARDA Ag Research.
This study focused on quantifying the economic loss in the agriculture industry attributed to hail damage. Over three years, and at three locations, we investigated the effect foliar feeding had con crop recovery.
The project looked at canola, pulses, and wheat. We tested the early, middle, and late growing periods in the crops. This allowed us to better grasp the affects of hail damage & how we could mitigate the damage and recover yields.
Assessing crop loss from hail damage is important for crop producers.
Our simulated hail damage led to reduced height, biomass, yield, and kernel weight amongst the crops. Additionally, hail damage has an increased chance of plant pathogens infecting the crop. Hail can create wounds that make the crop more susceptible to disease & illness.
Our goal was to better inform producers of the options available to them for recovery. Our research showed that while the timing and severity largely impacted the amount of hail damage, it varied between the crops. And while severity & timing both played a role in the damage, timing was more of a factor than severity.
Finally, our results of using foliar feeding to aide with crop recovery were dissatisfactory and showed that it made little to no difference in the recovery.
To learn more about this study, read up on the individual crop pages:
Hail Recovery - Wheat
Additionally, you can catch some of our project videos!
Introducing, our Unique Hail Simulator!
A Hail of a Story - hail damage research results
Bob Blackshaw - Battling the Great White Combine